SharePoint Online tools Improve productivity

SharePoint online increases your productivity by using the following chrome extensions. 

  1. SPInsider
    1. Here is the link you can directly download from chrome. This tool shows all the list and library structures based on the current user login. 

  2. StyleBot
    1. it will help you fix some of the UI changes you wanted to fix. This tool renders your custom design at last and keeps track of the sites you used. chrome link 

  3. SP Editor
    1. This tool has some advanced features. 
    2. A Google Chrome Extension for creating and updating files (js, css), injecting files to sites, modifying web/list propertybag values (add, edit, remove, index) and creating webhook subscriptions, edit/add/remove webparts from publishing pages and run sp-pnp-js typescript snippets in SP2013, SP2016, SP2019 and SharePoint Online from Chrome Developer Tools. This tool will help you create amazing SharePoint applications fast from your browser from any computer which runs Chrome! here is the link


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