SharePoint 2010 Web part, which one is used where and when
SharePoint 2010 picking the web part depending upon the data coming from data source. Comparing view and form web parts XSLTListViewWebPart : SP list, libraries, external content types XSLTListFormViewWebPart : from external list ListViewWebPart : ListFormWebPart : From a SharePoint list DataViewWebPart : n/a - only for backwards compatibility. DataFormWebPart : Xml, SOAP, REST, Database data source InfopathFormWebPart If you migration your database from 2007 to 2010 then DataViewWebPart gives backwards compatibility. When you added View in your web part: If data coming from the list like “SP list, libraries, and external content types” then it will display the data in XSLTListViewWebPart . If data coming from the list like “Xml, SOAP, REST, Database data source” then it will display the data in DataFormWebPart . When you added View in your web part : If you added the form in your web part and yo...