SharePoint 2016 JavaScript framework
Now As you know SharePoint 2016 JavaScript framework totally based on following technologies. you can create JavaScript web part based on following technologies. NodeJS (nodejs has npm:- package manager tool which helps developer to Find, share, and reuse packages of code from hundreds of thousands of developers — and assemble them in powerful new ways) TypeScript Yeoman (Provide scaffolding tool for modern webapps , same Visual studio has templates example website, SharePoint project) Gulp/Grunt (Task automation tool based on JS framework, will help you run the workflow example, generate your builds) Angularjs/Reactjs/Ploymerjs All above technologies based on "JavaScript". Microsoft developed on free tool called "Visual Studio Cod"e is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. To connect with updates please check the Microsoft PNP page I ha...