SharePoint 2010 SPQuery, SPSiteDataQuery and CrossListQueryInfo
SharePoint 2010 Querying Data SPQuery Class SPSiteDataQuery Class CrossListQueryInfo* Class SPQuery Class used for query a data from a specific list and also used for join two lists. SPSiteDataQuery : this class used for cross site query. Query a data within site collection or specific web. Microsoft Definition: You can use an instance of this class to retrieve data from selected lists or from all lists in the current site collection. Specify the scope of the query by setting the Webs property. Specify the lists to participate in the query by setting the Lists property and the fields to return by setting the ViewFields property. Control data selection and order by setting the Query property. CrossListQueryInfo* (SharePoint Server) : This class only available in SharePoint Enterprise addition. For this you have to include Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing namespace. Microsoft Definition: The CrossListQueryInfo object uses the CrossListQueryInfo object to get...