Migration Content DB 2010 to 2013 contextual Search issue
I found one most interesting issue while site collection migrated to 2010 to 2013. We have migrate SharePoint content DB 2010 to 2013 and found that the contextual search retuning the whole data for each search term no refiner working no “hit highlighting” but the result returned by the search service somehow. Every search term the service returned the same results. I have checked the same result in our search center as well in other site collection even checked contextual search all working fine as expected. So only issue in the migrated site collection. I have mentioned the same issue on MSND Question . To deep dive need to enable the VerboseEx log in the search farm and check what’s going behind the screen.I used the following command LETS (PowerShell) to enable the VerboseEx log. get-sploglevel | where {$_.Name -eq "Query"} | Set-SPLogLevel -TraceSeverity VerboseEx get-sploglevel | where {($_.Area -like "Search") -And ( ($_.Name -eq "Query Proc...