
Showing posts from February, 2015

Migration Content DB 2010 to 2013 contextual Search issue

I found one most interesting issue while site collection migrated to 2010 to 2013. We have migrate SharePoint content DB 2010 to 2013 and found that the contextual search retuning the whole data for each search term no refiner working no “hit highlighting” but the result returned by the search service somehow. Every search term the service returned the same results. I have checked the same result in our search center as well in other site collection even checked contextual search all working fine as expected. So  only issue in the migrated site collection. I have mentioned the same issue on  MSND Question . To deep dive need to enable the VerboseEx log in the search farm and check what’s going behind the screen.I used the following command LETS (PowerShell) to enable the VerboseEx log. get-sploglevel | where {$_.Name -eq "Query"} | Set-SPLogLevel -TraceSeverity VerboseEx get-sploglevel | where {($_.Area -like "Search") -And ( ($_.Name -eq "Query Proc...

SharePoint 2013: Remove from the search result "You have seen this before" Recommendation Part 3

I am continuing with my third part with the same “You have seen this before” series. I must recommended please have a look on my post 1 and post 2 . Better Solution: How rewrite the “You have seen this before results” URL with your own custom property? This solution is not full proof solution, it has two parts, one part is almost done next part I am working on it. Modify the Search results (Recommend you to take the backup of template and set the same to for search box control correct “ Control_SearchBox.html ”) Modify the Search box template (Recommend you to take the backup of your template and apply this solution in your box “ Control_SearchResults.html ”). As we are already know that the default template not having all the properties available Follow the step to implement the rewrite the URL template. Fist take the copy template depending upon the result type that you going to rewrite example (if you are your result appear in the list item to take the copy of ...

SharePoint 2013: Remove from the search result "You have seen this before" Recommendation Part 2

This post continue form my  last post ,  as I described the issue “you have seen this before” in my last post so here I am continue with its second part. So let’s begin with it so I am going to the answer of the question, I mentioned in the last post . How I remove the “You have seen this before”? To remove the “You have seen this before template” as mentioned above it is very simple before going to this as per the good practice. It is not a good idea to remove “you have seen this before” from all form the search results it would better to remove only for those results causing an issue (rewrite URL(s) or custom URL as mentioned in the above mentioned) To remove “you have seen this before” items from all the results. (Not recommended Solution)  Edit the common template “Item_CommonItem_Body.html”, as we know this template is used to display the common properties like title, URL and hithighlighted. Search for “clickType” item inside the templ...

SharePoint 2013: Remove from the search result "You have seen this before" Recommendation Part 1

The SharePoint 2013 recommendation analytic engine allows the end users to provide the most access content through the “specific keyword” and clicked the specific result more than 10 times; it will be displayed above the search result and bottom of the query suggestion (search box). What I will cover in this post. Why we need to remove the “you have seen this before results” (specific issue)? How to reproduce the “You have seen this before” results? How to find the “You have seen this before” template & which results set returns responsible for render the results for this type? How I remove the “You have seen this before Results”? Better Solution: How rewrite the   “You have seen this before results” URL with your own custom property? Why we need to remove “you have seen this before results” (specific issue)? When we are doing some customizations in the result template to display the custom URL other the actual URL then we would required to remove / or u...

SharePoint Search 2013: Result type Condition not fired if the Managed property has Multi type attributed selected (Product Issue)

Today I came around this Result type issue with Multi type Managed Property. I have created one template & I wanted to show this template on particular condition. So I created the result type. The Managed property (MP) that I used, I have verified its attributes all attributes are selected and its type is Multi value. I am trying to apply the " conditions" and somehow the value not matched. I have checked MP ; it has all the values but somehow the template not called. When I removed this condition it working and when choose other MP other then Multi valued . It is working as expected. The details implementation.  Let me explain you more with example. Navigation to the schema link Under the Site Settings -> Site section click to the schema link. Verify that DisplayAuthor having all the required properties selected, the most important it must be Muti value . Next step would be crating the custom template. For that I need to map the drive and create th...

2013 "Did you mean web part issue" not working with Content Search Web Part

2013 search web part encountered an issue  with “ Did you mean ” web part. Actually the main reason when search center page having more the one webpart i.e. content search webpart and it will fire when user fire the query by clicking to the search box. But when some time due to the mistake user enter wrong key word and end up with wrong spelling  "did you mean web part" comes into play and displays the correct word with hyper link. Here comes the issue, when user clicks the hyperlink the search result web part updated as expected but the content search web part not update update as it should be, as per end user experience. The connected webparts with search box  mentioned in my previous post. To overcome this issue, with the help of my friend we come up with below mentioned solution. Recent while working, we faced one interesting issue during the custom development one of our customer raised this issue that “did you mean” not updating others web parts (if more than...

SharePoint 2013: Disable TrimDuplicate from search Result in Core result Web Part

In SharePoint 2010, core result web part having an option to trim the duplicate by edit the core result web part in UI. In SharePoint 2013 the trim duplicate option is hidden and by default(TrimDuplicates:True) and due to this duplicate results not visible in the search result. To enable the search result use need to follow the steps . Export the existing web part. Open the exported web part in notepad and search for “DataProviderJSON” property.  Check “TrimDuplicates” value by default it is true to make visible the duplicate result set its’ value to false. Replace the existing web part with exported one. After done with the above changes might be case of your connection with “Refiners”, “Search box” and “Search Vertical” is disconnected. To make it work correctly you need to modify the search box and set the send query option to “Search Result” and same for refiner web part. More Links SharePoint 2013 Hyperlink Columns recall in search results even it ...

SharePoint 2013 Hyperlink Columns recall in search results even it mapped as unsearchable (Product Bug)

We have created on custom list and this list having columns type text and hyperlink. So we would required to remove the hyperlink column from the full text index search so for that we marked as unsearchable to its managed property and run the full crawl and found that the column is still searchable. Other then this we have remove the crawl property form full text index. The issue is still there. After discussion with Microsoft team it seems that the column . We have escalated this issue to Microsoft. This same issue discussed Mikael Svenson in his post . More Links SharePoint 2013: Enable Duplicate Result in Result Web Part Search box Sends Queries to more then one Control(Search Result & Content Search web part) SharePoint 2013 Search Issues SharePoint 2013 Error: Search has encountered a problem that prevents results from being returned SharePoint 2013 free CodePlex Tools for debug