
Showing posts from December, 2012

TechEd OSP309 Session bugs and fixes (CRM Connector bdcm)

I am working on the Enterprise Search so recently I got the requirement that I need to crawl the data from the CRM 2011. So for that I need to create the BDCM file. I goggled it and finally got the post on the MSDN “ Source Code from my TechEd OSP309 Session ” and start working on it. I did all the steps then I got the nasty error. Tried to degug the code the inner exception was “Error: An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party”. “An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party”.  To solve the error I did the following steps.  Download the latest CRM SDK from the MSDN.  Add the latest Reference of the following  microsoft.xrm.sdk.dll microsoft.crm.sdk.proxy.dll Change the code of the function “Util_CreateOrganizationService” having a file name EntityServices.cs (At the end of this post you will find the updated code). Project name”CRMEntityService”. Rebuild the code and redeploy the ...

PowerShell Utility Script Update WebPart Properties

This utility help you to update the webpart properties without modify the page manually. This script reads the data from the xml configuration and update page webpart property. To update the file we need the page name and webart id all this type of configuration store in the confg.xml file. Below is the updated code. Note: There is only one Manuel step that is you need to find the site pages as well as get the Ids of the webpart that need to modify the property. This current example only modifies the Title and Xsllink of the webpart. You will find the at the end of this post the zip folder contains the following two files 1. Config.xml : This file contains the all the configuration required for modify 2. PropertyChange.ps1 : This file contains all the logic. Silent feature: 1. More than one site can webpart can be modified by this script. 2. More than one page , webpart and webpart properties update at once. Config contains the IsUpd...