SharePoint 2010 User Interface

SharePoint 2010 User Interface

Data is worthless without interface. In SharePoint 2010 you can create the User Interface many ways. You can build SharePoint UI's.   
  1. Creating Web pages.
  2. Using JavaScript
  3. Sliverlight
  4. InfoPath forms.

This page contains the list of good design resources available for designing as well as deploy  Theme using visual Studio 2010. Below this List of tools available for implementing SharePoint UI Design as well as deploy the SharePoint 2010 Theme as a feature.

  1. SharePoint Designer 2010.
    1. SharePoint CSS Theme: under Standing the good CSS and HTML as compares with SharePoint 2007. SharePoint 2010 using the new theme engines for generating the dynamic images CSS theme functions. You can learn the theme engine. SharePoint provide 12 set of colors and 2 font  and use some permutation and generate 5 different sheds(lightest, lighter, medium, darker, darkest) of color from these 12 colors -> dark1, dark2, light1, light2, accent1, accent2, accent3, accent4, accent5, accent6, highperlink and followedhighperlink. Sharepoint use 3 methods to replace your default color with theme color methods are ReplaceColor, ReplaceImage, ReplaceFont. The theme engine read the commented code in css file and repalce the default color with theme color. In my example comment line has ReplaceColor. This theme engine method pick dart2-Lightest color from the theme and replace #000000 color with actual theme color. ex. /* [ReplaceColor(themeColor:"dark2-Lightest")] */ background-color:#000000;
    2. Check the CSS theme engine
    3. SharePoint Theme
    4. SharePoint2010 CSS Reference Chart
    5. SharePoint2010 CSS Reference in Master Page
    6. The shiny new CSSRegistration control in SharePoint 2010
    7. Use @font-face in Rich Text Editor of SharePoint 2010
  2. List of Starter Master Pages for designs
    1. Starter Master Pages for SharePoint 2010
  3. Visual studio 2010.
    1. CKDEV  Easily create SharePoint feature element that’s includes SharePoint Master Page, CSS and feature recover that allows you to active and deactivate the master page feature. In SharePoint Empty project template add new “Branding (cksdev)” item.


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