SharePoint 2013 Search Bound Variables

SharePoint 2013 search architecture almost changed and the new word that I heard today is "Search Bound Variable”. So I deep dive into it.
So the “Search Bound Variable” that you find most of the places during the search configuration & you also wanted to know they it is working and interaction during the query processing.

Search bound variables: The search bound variables are the place holders. So the most common search bound variables are following.

As showing below image in comes the search "cameras images" the {searchboxquery} text is "cameras images". When the query transforms the {searchboxquery} breaks in {subjectTerms} and the "{actionTerms}" to the below example during the query rules the "cameras" is treated like the {subjectTerms} and "images" become {actionTerms}.

As the per the above example in search term "Cameras Images" to explain below how bound variables works.
  • {searchboxquery} : Whatever in the search text box the {searchboxquery} bound variable kept this "cameras Images” value. 
  • {subjectTerms}: As the name suggest {subjectTerms} this bound variable kept the subject term so our case it would be “cameras”. 
  • {actionTerms}: As the name suggest the {actionTerm} kept the end of the sting ie the action need to be taken related to search box text so “Images” would be the action terms. example search term "tv pictures" or "move download" action term is "Pictures" and "download".  
  • {searchTerms}: {searchTerms} keeps changing during the execution process or you can say the query transforms stage. Example during the transformation the serachTerm would something like “cameras contenttype:T site:http://abc/sites/test”. It means the query cameras and content type and site restrictions applied during the query transformation. 

The above Search bound variables also called the query variables and these query variables are showing in the result block. {searchboxquery},{subjectTerms} and {actionTerms}.

1. The Search Bound Variable you can find in during adding the "Result blocks" in Query Rules.

2. The Search Bound Variable you can find in during specified the Query Condition and selecting an option "Advanced Query Text Match" drop down value in Query Rules.


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